Two of the following topics can usually be covered in one hour:
• The Wolves Return – the unexpected consequences of re-introducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park and what this tells us about the importance of top predators.
• Skydiver – the inspiring story of how the peregrine falcon was saved from the brink of disaster.
• Hurricane! – the impact of severe storms on wildlife and how natural habitats help protect human communities.
• Fire! – forest ecology and the impact of fires on forest plants and animals.
• Flying Lessons – told with puppets; recommended for K – 2.
• When the Giant Stirred - story; discussion of Polynesians, volcanoes, tsunamis.
• Sea Otter Inlet - story; discussion of sea otters, kelp forests etc.
• Ladybug Garden - story; discussion of harmful and beneficial insects etc.
• Wolf Island - story; discussion of wolves, population dynamics etc.
• Putting a book together - what it takes
Readings are accompanied by images of the illustrations and illustration process. Props may include natural objects or puppets (depending on the story). The ecology behind the story is explained. Questions are encouraged.
Sea Otter Inlet
Wolf Island
Ladybug Garden
The Wolves Return
EQUIPMENT: Set up for Powerpoint presentation: screen and projector, preferably hooked up to a laptop. I bring my own laptop, but experience has shown that it may not be compatible with your system.
ROOM: The ideal room is one large enough to accommodate the audience comfortably, with good acoustics; ideally a carpeted floor. The room should be one which can be darkened sufficiently for good viewing of images, but not so dark that the author is unable to read. For large rooms with poor acoustics, please provide a microphone and extra large screen.
AUDIENCE: 30 – 60 children, grades K – 6, recommended but negotiable.
AUTHOR FEES: $250 per reading, plus expenses.
NOTE: Assistance with reading expenses is available from the Writers-in-the-Schools program, administered by the Writers’ Union of Canada. The application is downloadable via
To book a reading, contact Celia Godkin: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (613) 275-7204